Find Property Owner

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If you are looking to access the names of the owners of a property, you'll need to purchase a copy of the title register from HM Land Registry directly. We are unable to provide any personal data about the owners of a property.

Property ownership records

Property ownership records are recorded by HM Land Registry and can be accessed in the form of a downloadable file in most cases for a small fee.

If you require an official copy of the document, for example, if you need to prove that you own the property in a court, you will need to pay a slightly higher fee and complete an application. You will receive official copies of documents by post from HM Land Registry directly.

Finding the owner of a property

You can purchase a copy of the official documents from the HM Land Registry website for instant access to details of the property owners.

The fees for accessing the information are £3 for a downloadable copy, or £7 for an official printed copy delivered by post. There is no need to pay any more than this to access these documents from third party sites as all of this information is available on the official HM Land Registry website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find the owner of a property?

To find the owner of a property, you will need to purchase a copy of the title register from HM Land Registry.

You can purchase this online and access these details instantly after payment.

How much does it cost to check who owns a property?

To purchase a copy of the title register, you will need to pay a fee of £3 to HM Land Registry.

Documents will be provided in the form of a downloadable file. In some cases, where an online copy is not available, you will need to pay a fee of £7 to get a copy of these documents by post.

What is a title register?

The title register is a document that contains important information about a property, for example, who owns the property, if there is a mortgage secured against the property or if there are other legal restrictions.

A title register is also known as the title deeds.

What is the difference between a title register and a title plan?

The title register (or deeds) is a record of who owns a property and also includes other legal details regarding the ownership of the property.

The title plan includes a map of the property and it’s surrounding areas along with boundaries and other markings to show rights of ways or shared access arrangements.

How do I find the previous owner of a property?

Purchasing a copy of the title register will allow you to instantly find the owner of a property, however you may need to check who owned a property between specific dates.

In this case, purchasing a copy of the title register will not provide this and you would need to contact HM Land Registry directly. They will be able to search for the owners of a property for the specific dates you require.