Leasehold Check

Enter a postcode to check if a property is leasehold.

Use this service to check if the current title to a property is leasehold.

Included Data

You can use this service to check if a home is leasehold, as long as it has been sold since 1995.

  • Tenure (Freehold or Leasehold)
  • Newly Built or Established Property
  • Full Address
  • PPD Category1

Checking if a property is freehold

You can use the freehold check service to check if a property is freehold.

You can use this service to check if the current title to any property sold since 1995 is freehold or leasehold.

Freehold Check

1For transactions recoded since October 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a leasehold property?

When you buy a leasehold, you own the property for the length of the lease. If this is a flat or maisonette, you would own the property but not the building it is in.

With leasehold houses, you would usually own the property, but not the land it sits on. You should check the specific terms of the lease for full details of your agreement with the freeholder.

How do I check if a property is leasehold?

You can check if a property is leasehold by entering the postcode and selecting the address from the list of properties displayed.

You can check any property, owned by you or someone else, but you won't be able to use this service for properties which haven't sold since 1995.

What happens when my lease ends?

When the lease ends, you would need to extend the lease. If the lease isn't extended, the ownership would return to the freeholder.

You can ask the landlord to extend the lease at any time, but the cost of this will depend on the property. You can also appeal to the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal if you are unable to agree on a price for extending the lease.

Should I buy a leasehold property?

When you buy a leasehold property, you'll be taking on the lease, so it's important to check some details first:

  • How long is left on the lease?
  • How much will you pay in ground rent and services charges?
  • How will the lease affect the resale value?